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Cleanup Tips After Suffering a Flood | SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers Beach

5/21/2024 (Permalink)

Aftermath of natural disaster. Flooded houses by hurricane rainfall in residential area Has a flash flood left damaging aftermath to your home? We are here for the rescue! Call SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers Beach today.

Floods are a common occurrence in our oceanside community, which should be no surprise due to all of the water nearby as well as the threat of hurricanes and coastal storms throughout the year. 

Thunderstorms and hurricanes can cause serious damage to our homes and businesses, especially those that are right on the water. Knowing what to do before, during and after a flood can help keep your family safe and this knowledge can actually help minimize potential damage. 

Steps to Take Before the Storm

We are grateful that these types of storms that impact our community are often predicted days in advance, so we have plenty of time to prepare our homes and businesses. You should start battening down the hatches as soon as the forecast comes out! 

Secure patio furniture, grills or propane tanks to the ground, tidy up your yard and bring anything inside your home or garage that could be swept away by the water, and pull your car into the garage when the storm is about to make landfall. Even just a few inches of fast-moving water can sweep away cars!

Start collecting any important documents or fragile possessions and get them to a safe location in your home. If you are choosing to evacuate, pack up all of the supplies you will need for multiple days away from your home. 

After a hurricane or flood, access to our community might be limited for a while due to the cleanup measures. If you are staying put, gather your emergency supplies and be sure you have a few days of food and water just in case. 

What to Do Afterward

Fast-moving water can be really dangerous, so don’t walk through the water that has flowed into your home. Stay on higher ground as much as you can. If you evacuated, do not come back into the community until the authorities clear the area and deem your home safe to reenter. 

Walk slowly around your home, and dress appropriately while you are moving through the wreckage. Loose boards, broken nails and soggy floors can make your home dangerous to be in. Wear sturdy boots and gloves as you assess the damage. Take pictures of all of the damage you see and then get us on the phone. 

How Flood Restoration Works

We are highly trained in different flood restoration techniques, so you can rest easy knowing that we will take care of you as quickly as we can. We will remove the standing water, detect and dry up hidden moisture, and tackle any and all repairs needed in order to give you the full recovery that you deserve. 

We truly hope you call us as soon as you are able to, as lingering water in your home can quickly lead to structural issues or even a massive mold infestation. We are available 24/7, and we will get to work right away on your restoration. 

You don’t have to recover from a flood alone. Contact SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva/Ft. Myers Beach right away. 

Preparing Your Home for Hurricanes | SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva/Ft. Myers Beach

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

palm trees being blown around by hurricane winds SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers is here for you when disaster strikes.

Living in the Fort Myers community and surrounding area is a blessing in many ways, but we certainly have some more challenging weather to deal with than other parts of the country. We experience rain, wind and thunderstorms just like everyone else, but we also have to prepare for hurricane season.

Hurricane season starts in June and lasts through the end of November, and another destructive hurricane could make landfall this year.

Preparing for this possibility is crucial in not only your safety, but also in protecting your home from suffering as much damage as possible. Follow our tips below so you can start preparing for this possibility now.

Understanding Our Hurricane Risk

It seems like only yesterday when we emerged from under Hurricane Ian, and many of us are still rebuilding and recovering from that incredibly destructive storm. Since our area is prone to strong storms like this, it is vital that you listen to news outlets and stay current on the forecasts.

Thankfully, hurricanes often appear on radar weeks to days in advance, which gives us all more time to prepare and make action plans. Regardless if you plan to stay put or get out, you need to start making lists and gathering supplies, as well as preparing your home to withstand the rain and wind.

Preparing Your Home

Even though you cannot control Mother Nature, you can still try to hold her off for as long as possible. If you haven’t already, invest in hurricane shutters and strap down your roof with clips or straps to prevent severe weather. This is also the time to purge your yard of unnecessary clutter that could turn into a projectile in hurricane-force winds. Bring in garbage cans, lawn furniture, outdoor equipment and anything else that you can’t secure to the ground.

You also need to prepare your family for either staying put or evacuating. If you are choosing to leave, pack up everything you will need for an extended time away from home. We all know that hurricanes can make returning home really difficult, so plan for a few extra days away.

If you are choosing to stay home, pack up your emergency kit with nonperishable food, safe drinking water, medication, batteries and anything else your family needs to stay safe and comfortable. Move any valuables and important documents up to a higher level of your home and set up a camp to ride out the storm together.

The Recovery Process

Hurricanes are known to cause widespread devastation, usually in the form of wind damage and flooding issues. Standing water can be troublesome to your home as it not only degrades your walls, beams and floors but can also cause extensive mold issues if it is not cleaned up properly.

SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva/Ft. Myers Beach is here to help! Our team is trained in large-loss recovery and flood restoration, and we have firsthand knowledge of how to help people recover from hurricane damage. If we are in the eye of another hurricane again this year, remember that we are here when the storm passes.

Flood damage and storm damage can be extensive. SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva/Ft. Myers Beach can help.

Tracking Down Leaks When It Rains | SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft.Myers Beach

2/21/2024 (Permalink)

Flooding rainwater, causing damage, peeling paint and mildew When an unexpected storm invades your home, it can be extremely damaging. Call SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers Beach for help!

When it rains, it can really pour around here! While we might be grateful for the rain during dry parts of the year so our lawns and gardens get a drink, you certainly don’t want to be feeling the rain while you are inside your home. 

Leaks or home issues can quickly become apparent when it starts to rain, so tracking down the source of the leak right away can help you minimize the potential for water damage. Check out these common places for water to get in when it rains in the Sanibel community.

Windows and Doors
We can all enjoy a nice breeze flowing through our homes now and again, but make sure they are shut tight during a storm or even a gentle rain. Rainwater can easily get through screens and linger on your windowpanes and sills. 

That water can leak down your walls and eventually get behind your walls. Once that happens, structural issues can become apparent and mold can even start to grow. 

The same goes for your doors! Keep everything shut up tight and address any gapping or cracks around your doors and windows right away. Structural aging of your home can lead to sagging of windows and door frames, and a single gap could be the culprit for a serious rainwater leak. 

Your Roof 

We all know how important our roofs are, especially during hurricane season. They have the really important job of keeping us safe and dry while Mother Nature rages on outside. That naturally makes them one of the more common places to experience damage. If you notice the leak is coming from somewhere near your ceiling, get up on your roof as soon as it is safe to do so and do some investigating. 

A single missing shingle or gap in your roofline could be the culprit that is causing your watery mess. If you don’t see anything on the outside, head into your attic and start scanning the ceiling and walls. Wet insulation, mold growth and the smell of mildew can help point you in the right direction. 

Cracked Foundation 

Water is sneaky, and it can seep and leak into virtually every area of your home. The tiniest little gap or crack in your foundation can easily allow water to sneak by and flow onto your floors. 

If your basement tends to get wet every time it rains or you struggle with flooding issues often, it may be time to do some investigating around your foundation and have any repairs addressed immediately. 

Our team will help you do all this and more! We can handle your repairs to prevent the damage from occurring again, but we can also help you clean up and recover from any water damage you experienced. We can restore walls, floors and ceilings, and we will sanitize everything to ensure mold cannot grow in your newly finished space.

We can help you recover from water damage faster. Contact SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers Beach right away

Tips for Creating a Reliable Fire Escape Plan | SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers Beach

11/21/2023 (Permalink)

Home on fire with smoke House fires happen when least expected and can be disastrous, but SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers Beach is here to help. Call us now!

No matter where you live in our community, suffering a house fire can be a disastrous and even dangerous experience. House fires can get out of control in minutes and engulf your entire property just as fast, so knowing how to get out of your home quickly is key.

Creating a fire escape plan that your whole family can understand and implement can keep everyone safe when a true emergency occurs. Follow the tips below for creating your own fire escape plan for your home.

Forming the Plan 

Grab a piece of paper and draw out a map of all of the rooms in your home. Then have your kids take you on a tour of your entire house and identify all of the exit points for each room. 

Make sure they understand that exiting a window may be necessary, but that windows should never be played with unless it is a true emergency and you need to get out fast. Once the exits are identified, head outside and choose a meeting location together that you can all get to quickly and safely. A mailbox or a tree in your neighbor’s yard across the street are both easy options. 

If you live in an apartment complex, you should still make a map of your home and locate the exits, but you also need to know how to evacuate the building itself. Since elevators are not a safe choice during an emergency, make sure your kids know where the stairwell is and the fire escape. A central meeting location outside your apartment complex is important to decide as well. 

Practicing the Plan  

Creating your fire escape plan is great, but putting it into action regularly is even better! Kids often learn better through experience and repetition, so practice different scenarios and have your kids doing different things in different rooms to simulate the unexpected. Push the test button on your smoke alarm and have your kids take you through their emergency exit strategies.

As they head toward their exits, have them get down on their bellies and army crawl or crawl on their hands and knees. This can help reinforce the idea to stay below the smoke line and to not breathe it in as they are getting out. Once you are all outside safety, simulate calling 911 and walk your kids through what to say to the dispatcher. 

Recovering After Disaster

No matter how a fire starts, it can lead to extraordinary amounts of damage. Entire levels or sections of your home may be decimated and the rest of your home could have significant smoke and soot residue. 

That’s where we come in! We understand the sensitive nature of recovering from a house fire, so we get right to work restoring, cleaning and repairing every damaged surface and part of your home. 

We will remove smoke odors, pull out damaged debris and rebuild sections of your home, and we will end our services with a final cleaning to make sure every surface has been restored back to its pre-fire condition. 

SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft. Myers Beach is here 24/7 to help you overcome a house fire. Call us right away for immediate assistance. 

A Guide to Identifying and Addressing Mold in Your Air Ducts

5/14/2023 (Permalink)

Black spots of mold. Contact a professional mold remediation company to inspect and clean your air ducts and take steps to prevent mold growth in the future.

Air ducts are one of the most common places for mold growth in a home or business. The ductwork provides a dark, humid environment that can easily trap moisture and promote the growth of mold spores. If you suspect that there is mold in your air ducts, it is important to act quickly to prevent the spread of mold spores throughout your property. Here are some tips on how to detect mold in your air ducts.

Signs of Mold in Your Air Ducts

There are several signs that may indicate the presence of mold in your air ducts. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to contact a professional mold remediation company like SERVPRO of Sanibel/Ft Myers Beach to inspect and clean your air ducts.

Musty odors: A musty smell is often a telltale sign of mold growth. If you notice a persistent, musty odor in your home or business, it could be a sign that mold is present in your air ducts.

Visible mold: If you can see mold growth on the outside of your air ducts, it is likely that there is mold growing inside the ductwork as well.

What to Do if You Suspect Mold in Your Air Ducts

If you suspect that there is mold in your air ducts, it is important to take action immediately to prevent the spread of mold spores throughout your property. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Contact a professional mold remediation company like SERVPRO of Sanibel/Ft Myers Beach to inspect and clean your air ducts. They have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely remove mold from your ductwork and prevent it from spreading.
  • If possible, turn off your HVAC system to prevent the spread of mold spores.
  • Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help remove mold spores from the air.
  • Clean or replace any air filters in your HVAC system.
  • Keep your home or business well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of moisture that can lead to mold growth.

Prevention is Key

Prevention is the key to avoiding mold growth in your air ducts. Here are some tips to prevent mold growth in your ductwork:

  • Use a dehumidifier to maintain humidity levels below 60%.
  • Regularly inspect and clean your air ducts to remove any buildup of dust or debris.
  • Ensure that your HVAC system is properly sized for your property.
  • Install a high-quality air filter and replace it regularly.
  • Keep your home or business well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of moisture that can lead to mold growth.

If you suspect that there is mold in your air ducts, it is important to take action immediately to prevent the spread of mold spores throughout your property. Contact a professional mold remediation company to inspect and clean your air ducts and take steps to prevent mold growth in the future.

Smoke Damage Restoration: How SERVPRO Can Assist with Smoke Odor Removal

4/11/2023 (Permalink)

Ceiling of a warehouse affected by smoke damage. Smoke damage can be a serious problem for property owners, but with the right methods, smoke odor removal is possible.

Smoke damage is a serious concern for property owners, whether it's from a fire or simply due to tobacco use indoors. Smoke can cause lasting damage to a building's structure and furnishings, and the lingering smoke odor can be challenging to remove. In this blog, we'll explore what smoke damage is and how smoke odor removal is usually done.

What is Smoke Damage?

Smoke damage is the result of smoke particles and soot settling on surfaces and materials after a fire or other event that produces smoke. Smoke damage can affect the structure of the building as well as furniture, clothing, and other personal belongings. It can leave stains, discoloration, and a pervasive smoke odor that can be difficult to remove.

How is Smoke Odor Removed?

There are several methods for removing smoke odor, but the most effective ones involve a combination of cleaning and deodorizing. Here are some of the most common methods:

  1. Air Purification: This involves using air purifiers to filter out smoke particles and neutralize odors in the air. Air purifiers are especially effective for smaller spaces or individual rooms.
  2. Ozone Treatment: Ozone generators produce ozone, which can break down smoke molecules and neutralize odors. Ozone treatment is highly effective but should only be done by a professional as ozone can be dangerous if not used properly.
  3. Thermal Fogging: Thermal fogging is a method of deodorizing that involves using a machine to create a fog of deodorizing chemicals. The fog is then dispersed throughout the affected area, penetrating surfaces and neutralizing odors.
  4. Chemical Cleaning: Chemical cleaning involves using special detergents and cleaners to remove smoke particles and soot from surfaces. This is often necessary to remove stains and discoloration caused by smoke damage.
  5. HVAC Cleaning: Smoke particles can become trapped in the HVAC system, leading to ongoing odor problems. Professional HVAC cleaning can remove these particles and improve air quality.

SERVPRO of  Sanibel/Ft Myers Beach Can Remove Smoke Odor

SERVPRO of  Sanibel/Ft Myers Beach is a professional restoration company that specializes in smoke damage restoration and smoke odor removal. They have highly trained technicians who use the latest equipment and techniques to remove smoke particles and neutralize smoke odors. SERVPRO's smoke odor removal process involves a combination of air purification, ozone treatment, thermal fogging, chemical cleaning, and HVAC cleaning, depending on the specific needs of the property. They also use advanced deodorizing products that are designed to penetrate surfaces and eliminate smoke odors at the molecular level. With their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, SERVPRO can help property owners effectively remove smoke odors and restore their properties to their pre-damage condition.

Smoke damage can be a serious problem for property owners, but with the right methods, smoke odor removal is possible. Whether it's through air purification, ozone treatment, thermal fogging, chemical cleaning, or HVAC cleaning, a professional restoration company can help eliminate smoke odors and restore your property to its pre-damage condition. If you're dealing with smoke damage, don't hesitate to contact a professional restoration company for help.

What Is A Plumbing Snake?

3/8/2023 (Permalink)

Clogged sink. It is important to clear a clog as quickly as possible in order to prevent any damage to your pipes.

Plumbing snakes are a tool that is used to clear clogs in drains. They are designed to break up the debris that has built up in your drain so that it can be flushed out. It's a tool that can be used to safely remove clogs and debris without causing damage to your pipes. The following guide will show you how to use one correctly.

What is a plumbing snake?

A plumbing snake is a flexible metal tube with a spiral coil at one end. It can be used to clear clogged drains and pipes, but it's also called a drain auger. There are a couple of different types of plumbing snakes, the most commonly used snakes include cable augers and closet augers.

Why use a plumbing snake?

If you're looking for a way to unclog your drains and save money, a plumbing snake is a perfect solution. You can use a plumbing snake to clear any clogged drain--toilets, sinks, or tubs. Plumbing snakes range in price, with many affordable options available to purchase.

How does a plumbing snake work?

A plumbing snake is a long, flexible cable that has a wire loop on the end. When you insert it into your drain and turn the handle, the wire loop will latch onto any clogs and allow you to remove them from your pipes. A plumber uses this tool regularly when they're working on your home's plumbing system because it can clear almost any blockage in just minutes!

Where do I buy a plumbing snake?

If you're looking for a plumbing snake, there are a few places you can find one. The first place is at your local hardware store. They will have an array of different sizes and types of snakes that are appropriate for different situations. There is also an endless supply of plumbing snakes available for purchase online.

Plumbing snakes are the best way to clear clogged drains.

If you're looking for an easy way to clear your clogged drain, a plumbing snake is the best option. These tools are inexpensive and can be used in a variety of situations. If you're having trouble with your drains, consider using a plumbing snake. It's an easy solution that can save you time and money. Plus, it's safer than other methods like chemicals or plunging!

If you are unable to clear the clog using a plumbing snake or are unsure of how to do it correctly, it is always a good idea to call a professional plumber for assistance. It is important to clear a clog as quickly as possible, in order to prevent any damage to your pipes, as well as unnecessary water damage from occurring in your home or business.  

4 Tips to Protect your Home from Water Damage

2/7/2023 (Permalink)

Standing water in a Ft. Myers bedroom. While water damage is often unavoidable—and not always preventable—there are several steps you can take to minimize the risk of it happening.

Water damage is one of the top reasons for homeowners’ insurance claims in the United States. It can be relatively minor, like a small leak under the sink, or it can be catastrophic, like flooding due to bad weather. While water damage is often unavoidable—and not always preventable—there are several steps you can take to minimize the risk of it happening in your home. Here are some tips on how to protect your home from water damage.

Check your plumbing regularly

Inspect for damage to your plumbing frequently. Leaks can be hard to spot, so pay attention to the sounds of water running or strange drips. If you notice anything suspicious, turn off the main water valve and call a plumber immediately.

Hair is one thing that causes blockages in sinks and drains, but other things such as food particles also contribute to clogged plumbing systems. If you notice that a sink takes longer than normal to drain, or if there's a persistent smell coming from the bathroom when no one has used it recently, look into cleaning out the drain line. A clogged drain might not seem like a huge problem until a water leak occurs inside your home.

Check your roof regularly

The best way to prevent water damage is to check your roof regularly and make sure it's in good working order. Look for loose or missing shingles, damaged flashing, debris buildup that could cause leaks, and damage to the gutters.

Clean your gutters regularly

Cleaning your gutters regularly is also a great way to prevent water damage. The best time to do this is at the end of each season and before the first hard rain. If you don't already have a schedule for cleaning your gutters, consider setting aside one day in the late fall or early spring when you can get up on a ladder and give them a thorough once-over.

Make sure you're using safe practices when cleaning your gutters, such as wearing gloves and using caution while climbing up ladders, especially if they are old or unstable.

Know how to shut off your water main

The first step to dealing with a water main break is knowing where your shut-off valve is located. This valve is typically located in a basement or garage and should be clearly marked with a red cap or an "On/Off" sign. If you're lucky, it may even be labeled "Water Main." Turning the valve clockwise will completely shut off the water supply to any pipes that are connected to it.

Regular maintenance can help prevent water damage to your home.

To protect your home from water damage, there are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of water damage:

  • Check the roof regularly. If you notice leaks or sagging in your roof, have it repaired as soon as possible.
  • Check your plumbing regularly. Check faucets, toilets, and drains for clogs and other problems that could lead to water damage in your home.
  • Clean gutters regularly. Over time, leaves and debris will build up in them and cause them to overflow during heavy rains—this can lead to extensive damage if left unchecked!

Now that you know how to avoid water damage in your home, you can rest easy. We hope this article was helpful in providing some tips on how to prevent water damage at home and what steps you should take if you do experience any problems with your plumbing or other areas of your property. If your home or business suffers from water damage, you can count on our SERVPRO of SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft Myers Beach team to be there to help with all the water damage cleanup and restoration!

How do I Save My Water-Damaged Wood Floor?

1/17/2023 (Permalink)

Damaged hardwood flooring. If there's one thing you should take away from this article, it's that the first 24 hours are critical.

Water damage is a serious problem. It can happen to anyone, at any time, and it's not limited to just homes and businesses. The truth is that water damage can occur in any setting where there's a high probability of moisture exposure: homes, businesses, cars, and elsewhere. If you've sustained water damage in your Sanibel, FL home or business, then this article will walk you through what steps you should take right away to save your wood flooring from further deterioration.

Can I save my water-damaged wood floor?

So, you're looking for ways to repair your water-damaged wood floor. You've come to the right place. Water damage is fixable in many cases, but you need to know that the extent of the damage will dictate how much time and effort will go into repairing it.

So, what do you do? Don't panic! The next step is figuring out whether your floor can be saved by taking steps during those crucial 24 hours following a spill or flood.

What's the first step to saving my wood floor?

The first step to saving your wood floor is to get the water out. If you don't, you could end up with permanent damage on your floor that will be costly to remove.

This can be done with either a wet/dry vacuum or by using a shop vac with a special nozzle attachment (like this one) that sucks water from carpets, upholstery, and other fabric surfaces without taking off any of the fibers in them.

Once you've drained as much of the water from your floor as possible, dry it thoroughly before moving on to cleaning and restoring the finish on top of it.

If the floor is not immediately dried, what can happen?

If the wood floor is not dried immediately, it will continue to warp and swell. This can cause permanent damage to the floor. If you do not act quickly enough, your wood floor may become more difficult to repair or even need to be replaced altogether.

How long will it take to save my hardwood floor?

The drying process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on how much water was on the floor and how long it sat there before drying off. If you're lucky, your hardwood floor will be warped only slightly after drying — but if it's been flooded for a long time, your floors might be unsavable.

To save your wet wood floors from warping, they'll need to be dried out as quickly as possible. The longer they stay wet and cool, the more likely they are to warp over time; once they're dry enough that they won't warp anymore, then you can start working on repairing any damage done by the moisture content of their environment over time.

The first 24 hours are critical.

If you have water damage, call your preferred water damage restoration team right away. Water damage can cause mold growth and the harmful effects of this may become irreversible in as little as 48 hours following a flood or leak.

If there's one thing you should take away from this article, it's that the first 24 hours are critical. If you have water damage, call SERVPRO of Sanibel/Ft Myers Beach right away. It may seem like an inconvenience at first, but if ignored long enough it can lead to more serious issues in your Sanibel, FL home or business.

Top 3 Areas Where Water Damage Most Likely Occurs

12/7/2022 (Permalink)

Faucet with mold growth Water can lead to mold growth

Common Areas For Water Damage

If your home has just been damaged by water, don't worry! You're not alone. In fact, it's likely that many other homes in your area have also had water damage. In this article, I'll explain why these are the most common areas for water damage and how to hire a reputable repair professional so you can get back to normal as soon as possible.

These 3 places in the house are most likely to have water damage

For most homeowners, water damage is a rare occurrence. But when it happens, it can wreak havoc on your home and make you feel like you need to start from scratch.

Wondering where water damage most often occurs? Here are three places in the house where you might spot signs of moisture problems:

  • The bathroom
  • The kitchen
  • The basement


Basements are prone to water damage since they're easily accessible and the lowest point in a house. Water damage can occur when a sump pump malfunctions, when a pipe bursts or leaks, or when it freezes. These types of accidents can happen at any time or place, but basements are particularly susceptible because they lack insulation and ventilation, making it easier for condensation on pipes and walls to form.


The kitchen can be at high risk for water damage because it's often a high-humidity, pressure, and moisture area. There are many parts of the kitchen where water can escape or enter—the sink, dishwasher and garbage disposal are all points of entry for excess water. In addition to the obvious sources of water (like leaks), there are other things that cause leaks in your home that might not be so obvious:

  • High pressure washing machines: These units create immense amounts of pressure when they're used, which is why it's important to keep them away from walls or cabinets nearby. The same goes for using steam cleaners near cabinets and counters as well! If you think about how powerful these appliances really are compared with regular household use, it makes sense why they might cause more damage than expected if not watched carefully.


Bathrooms are one of the most common places for water damage to occur. They’re susceptible to water damage for many of the same reasons as kitchens: high moisture content can instigate mold growth. Constantly running water can cause excessive humidity in a room that doesn't have proper ventilation.

There are several preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of experiencing water damage in your bathroom:

  • Use a dehumidifier in any area where there is high humidity
  • Clean out drains on a regular basis so that mineral buildup does not clog up pipes and cause them to burst
  • Check all areas around your sink and tubs to ensure that they aren't damaged or leaking

Call a water damage professional if your home has been damaged

If your home has experienced a significant amount of water damage, call a professional. Water damage can be a serious problem, and it's important to address it quickly. Because of the risk of mold growth and structural damage, you'll want to call someone who knows what they're doing—especially if you live in an older home.


When your Fort Myers, FL home sustains water damage, it’s important to get help right away. The longer you wait, the more damage will occur and become more difficult to repair. Call a professional if you have any doubt about whether your home has been damaged by water.